Y2K Citizen’s Action Guide would not be possible without the
generous help of the following people: Margo King, John Steiner,
Rick Ingrasci, Nina, Leif, Sam, Oliver, Cecilia and Eli Utne, Mark
Simonson, Sharon Parker, You Mammely, Kim Cranston, Griff Wigley,
Jim Hickman, Roleigh Martin, Judy Laddon, Elizabeth Ward, Steve
Davis, Deborah Rozman, Howard Martin, Gabriella Boehmer, Richard
Perl and Susan Fried, Auguste Rae Perl, Craig and Patricia Neal,
Charlie Hess, Michael and Margot Baldwin, William Ulrich, Judith
and Robert Gass, Robert Welsch, Kathy Braeunig, Jeanne Gallaher,
Margaret Klis, Stanley Moses, Mitra Milani, Chris Hansen, Bill
Hamann, and especially the authors, all of whom contributed their
work without charge.
Y2K Citizen’s Action Guide Copyright ? 1998 Utne Reader
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The article, ‘From Chaos to Coherence: The Emotional Challenge of
Y2K’ is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without the written
consent of the Institute of HeartMath. The article is based on the
forthcoming book, From Chaos to Coherence, to be published
by Butterworth-Heinemann in late 1998.
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at www.utne.com, or by calling Powell’s Books at 800-878-7323.
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Utne Reader’s Special Y2K
Citizen’s Action Guide is published quarterly by LENS
Publishing Co., Inc., 1624 Harmon Place, Minneapolis, MN 55403;
612/338-5040. Copyright ? 1998 by LENS Publishing Co., Inc. Printed
in USA.