Herbert Hoover once said ?Absolute freedom of the press to
discuss public questions is a foundation stone of American
liberty.? Yet, as Congress prepares to allot billions of additional
tax dollars to the Department of Homeland Security and to the
Pentagon, the media have done little to facilitate public discourse
on the core issues at the heart of international conflict and
terrorism. Now there?s a webcast video series designed to stimulate
such conversations. Wednesday night, July 9, We The World?a
nonprofit organization created to promote global
interdependence?will launch ?Building Peace and Security in the
21st Century: A Teach-In/Speak-Out Videoconference Series.?
Sponsored by the Lifebridge Foundation and John Krysko of New
York?s Interfaith Center, the videoconference will link the United
Nations with universities and participants from around the world,
including University Host Sites American University and the
University of Minnesota. Notable panelists Congressman and
presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, Felicity Hill, of the
United Nations Development Organization for Women, and Mel Duncan,
executive director of the Nonviolent Peaceforce, will discuss
numerous peace-related topics, such as establishing a Department or
Ministry of Peace in every country and providing significant
funding for public media that are independent of special
Tonight?s videoconference, the first in a summer series of three
90-minute programs, will be available via webcast at 6:03 p.m.
Eastern time. To tune in, learn more about future broadcasts, and
discover how you can donate your time or money to this cause, check
out the link below.
?Erin Ferdinand
Go there>>
Peace and Security in the 21st Century: A Teach-In/Speak-Out
Videoconference Series
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