Don?t Get Mad, Get Naked

By Erin Ferdinand Utne.Com
Published on May 1, 2003

On November 12, 2001?at a time when promoting peace was viewed
as a potential act of treason?45 women in Northern California
protested an impending war in Afghanistan by spelling out the word
PEACE with their naked bodies. Thus was born Baring Witness. When
the protest photo aired on CBS Sunday Morning, esteemed journalist
Bob Schieffer quipped, ?I was hoping for a close-up.? His remark
caused co-co-founder Donna Sheehan to realize ?the [feminine] power
of our [nakedness] to awaken our male leaders and stop them in
their tracks.? Ms. Sheehan and partner Paul Reffell created the
organization to restore ?the power of the feminine to its rightful
place as the protector of life.? has been a
do-it-yourself resource featuring dozens of protest photos from
around the world.

Go there>>
Baring Witness

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