Fallout over Disneyland

By Maria Optiz
Published on May 1, 2002

Fallout over Disneyland, Amy Davis
and Gar Smith, Earth Island Journal
Disneyland has been shooting vast amounts of fireworks into the sky
since shortly after the park opened in 1955. But the frequency and
length of the displays have steadily increased over the years, and
nearby residents are beginning to sound alarms, describing their
neighborhood during fireworks displays as similar to a war zone.
Writing in Earth Island Journal, Amy Davis and Gar
Smith raise environmental concerns, as well. ‘In mild weather, the
heavy metals traveled 100 km downwind over a two-day period,’ they
report, polluting the air and local watersheds. Park officials
claim that the fireworks are harmless to Anaheim residents, and
government officials have been reluctant to do any environment
study involving a tourist attraction that funnels millions of tax
dollars a year into the city’s coffers.
Maria Opitz
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