Making a Splash

By Sara Buckwitz
Published on September 1, 2000

Making a Splash, Buster Phillips,
The Annual Coney Island Mermaid Parade has about as much to do with
the Summer Solstice as Marti Gras has to do with Lent. ‘Without the
slightest tinge of hyperbole, it’s the biggest public freakshow in
all 50 United States. And it is beautiful,’ writes Buster Philips
in the online zine Ironminds. ‘Nobody gets arrested
or seems offended or violated or scandalized or turned on, even.
It’s just sorta funny and goofy. Hot dogs, beer in Styrofoam coffee
cups, and naked women who may or may not be dressed like mermaids;
how could it not be?’ — Sara V.
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