Gooey chocolate croissants. Long crusty baguettes. Bubbly
champagne. Where would we be without French cuisine? Actually, a
lot worse off than you might think. Writing in The New
Criterion, David Fromkin traces the origins of the
restaurant itself to France.
During the late 18th century, amidst the backdrop of the French
Revolution, aristocratic households were destroyed and personal
chefs were left jobless. Many of these chefs opened up restaurants
to support themselves. The result? The restaurant scene exploded.
In 1789, the year of the revolution, there were fewer than fifty
Paris restaurants; in 1820, there were almost three thousand. The
public was exposed to fine cooking, en masse, for the first
‘Restaurants,’ writes Fromkin, ‘made it possible…for the many,
who had no personal chef of their own, to enjoy the excellent
cooking hitherto available only to a few.’
Restaurants have certainly multiplied and improved over the years;
however, Fromkin believes French restaurants were at their peak in
the first half of the 20th century, when a premium was placed on
fresh produce, simple presentation, and reasonable prices. He finds
modern establishments lacking when compared to those of yesteryear,
especially when it comes to enjoying long and languorous meals.
‘Nowadays, restaurants cannot afford to let customers linger over
their meals,’ he states. ‘Economic pressures beget time
–Anjula Razdan
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