‘Sluts’ Kick Butts, Web site review by
Sara Buckwitz, www.slutsagainstbutts.com
Canadian ‘bad girls for a better tomorrow’ take on big tobacco in
this fun, florescent-pink site. ‘The corporate establishment works
at keeping women and girls down by encouraging binding,
self-destructive rebellion like smoking and starvation,’ the site’s
manifesto declares. Sluts Against Butts invites you
to download their action toolkit, print out bumper stickers and get
involved. The Ottawa-based ‘sluts’ plan to drive their portable
‘Caravan of Confessions’ around downtown Toronto to shame big
tobacco’s collaborators into ‘confess[ing] the sins of their
involvement with big tobacco.’ Roxy Sabre, a spokesperson for
Sluts Against Butts said, ‘Every bad girl knows there are
some people you just shouldn’t get in bed with…Somehow that
lesson was lost on many Toronto organizations.’
–Sara V. Buckwitz