Where’s the Real Oxford?

By Leif Utne
Published on July 1, 2000

Where’s the Real Oxford? James McConnel,
University Business
A year in Oxford isn’t always a year at Oxford, writes James
McConnel in University Business. ‘According to
Peterson’s Study Abroad 2000 more than 15 American organizations
currently arrange short-term access to Oxford… But there’s a
catch. While some study abroad programs arrange for their recruits
to be registered with the university and to study with regular
Oxford faculty, others have arrangements with individual Oxford
colleges: As a result their students have limited use of the
university’s facilities and are often taught by moonlighting
faculty and graduate students. Still other American organizations
use facilities that are located in the city of Oxford, but their
students have no connection to the university or its colleges at
all.’ Is this any way to run a great educational brand? McConnel
asks. Go there>>

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