Poetry Contest 2014

There’s a wordsmith in everyone — it’s time to let yours out! Utne Reader is challenging you to grab a notebook, typewriter, napkin — whatever you need — and submit your creative verse.
Write and submit your best poem to cwilliams@utne.com for your chance to win! The winner will receive a package of books selected by Utne Reader editors and a one-year subscription to Utne Reader magazine. The winning poem will also be featured in the magazine and on the website.

All submissions will be judged by Utne Reader editors based on originality, creativity, and artistic quality. Selections will be featured in the Winter 2014 issue and move to the second round.

The finalists’ poems will be posted on the Utne Reader website, so the public can vote for their favorite. Voting will start on or about December 1, 2014, and end January 22, 2015. The poem with the most votes will be chosen as the winner.
Winner will be announced in the Spring 2015 issue of Utne Reader magazine.
How does it work?
Submissions will be accepted from August 24 – October 1, 2014. Email them to cwilliams@utne.com. Submission must be written by the entrant and cannot have been previously published in any manner. Submission should include entrant’s name, mailing address, email address and telephone number. Limit one (1) Submission per person.
Submit your best poem before October 1, 2014, to enter to win! Along with being featured in Utne Reader and on utne.com, the winner will receive a package of books selected by Utne Reader editors and a one-year subscription to Utne Reader magazine.
Click here for a complete list of terms and conditions.