Sandra Steingraber: Her Body, Their Chemicals

By Joe Hart and Utne Reader
Published on October 13, 2010

<p>A scientist, poet, and cancer survivor, Steingraber makes a passionate and lyrical case for eliminating carcinogens, which are ubiquitous in our environment. A movie based on her book Living Downstream was released in spring 2010.</p>
<span>We’ve reported on <a href=””>Steingraber’s “<i>Organic Manifesto</i>,”</a> which is <a href=”” target=”_blank”>available as a full PDF</a> on her website. You can also <a href=”” target=”_blank”>read her columns for <i>Orion</i> magazine</a>, one of which we reprinted as “<a href=””>Baring All Expense</a>” in our July-August 2009 issue. You can catch the trailer for <em>Living Downstream</em> below:</span>
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