Table of Contents: March-April 2007

By Staff
Published on September 11, 2013
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In This Issue

March – April 2007

FEATURE: Immigration

Putting a Stop to Slave LaborA moral solution to illegal immigration
By Bryan Welch

Communities on the MoveDavid Bacon’s photographs of immigrant workers showcase community
Interview by Danielle Maestretti

Viva la UniónHow immigrants are renewing the fight for workers’ rights
By Hannah Lobel

A Shameful TraditionIn the United States, nativism is nothing new
By Daniel Tichenor, from the Nation

FEATURE: A Sordid Past

Fear of YogaSuper-love cults, commie swamis, loose-limbed women, and other hysteric headlines
By Robert Love, from Columbia Journalism Review


Drugs, Knives, & MidwivesA grassroots movement is underway to save the maternity care system
By Elizabeth Larsen 

Midwifery’s RenaissanceMidwives are being recognized, but misunderstandings endure
By Marden Wagner, from the book Born in the USA

A Tale of Two Birthsby Keith Goetzman

The Best Birth for YouA How-To Guide
By Alyssa Ford

FEATURE: A Diplomat’s Plea

Why Don’t We Talk Anymore?A disgruntled U.S. diplomat on how to restore our standing in the world
By John Brady Kiesling 

Emerging Ideas

Education Politics Flood New OrleansAs the city struggles to rebuild, the debate over charter schools heats up
By Miachael Tisserand

Walking in Abraham’s Footsteps
How retracting a prophet’s journey could advance Mideast peace
By Jon Spayde

Showing Their CardsThere’s a new way for people to check the HIV status of would-be lovers
By Lucile Scott, from POZ

Ask What You Can Do for Your Planet
A call to recruit an international army of volunteers
By Carol Bellamy and Eric Utne 

Mixed Media

Group Home HeroThe Enduring bond between Huey Lewis and the mentally retarded
By Katy St. Clair, from Da Capo Best Music Writing 2006

Grover Goes Global
Exporting Sesame Street with sensitivity
By Anthony Kaufman

The Devil Wears CamoOr does he? Cultural confusion over a military motif
By Mark Dery 

Mindful Living

Buy Now, Pay LaterIt will take more than a shift in our shopping habits to save the day
By Jess Worth, from New Internationalist

Ready to RewearMainstream retailers give your old duds new life
By Erika Villani, from Plenty

Grief Goes OnlineThe boon of the bane of virtual bereavement
By Joseph Hart

Best Sex EverA holistic treatment results in really hot sex
By Laine Bergeson

Waxing Genetic
Japanese Scientists reveal the truth behind Asian earwax
By Sabrina Tom, from Hyphen


Cairo’s Man ShowIn Egypt, public male-on-male affection isnt’ queer, it’s commonplace
By R.M. Vaughn, from the Walrus

Pulling Up StakesFueled by hope and kerosene, a down-and-out family goes camping
By Frances Lefkowitz, from the Sun

Little PeaWhere medicine fails, a nurse’s compassion thrives
By Jennifer Culkin, from Georgia Review

Editor’s Note
by David Schimke
Shelf Life
by Danielle Maestretti
by Nina Utne

In-depth coverage of eye-opening issues that affect your life.