Table of Contents: January-February 2010

By Staff
Published on September 11, 2013
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January-February 2010

Get Rich NowThe economy will never be the same. It’s time to rethink our definition of “the good life.”by Amitai Etzioni, from The New Republic

Empire of the StunnedSocial critic James Howard Kunstler believes that what killed America’s economy could make society strongerinterview by Leslee Goodman, from The Sun

Work PlanMaytag’s departure left a small Iowa town reeling. Today, a revitalized workforce is fulfilling the potential of green-collar Barry Yeoman, from Audubon

We Are All MadoffsOur relationship to the natural world is a Ponzi schemeby David P. Barash, from The Chronicle of Higher Education

A Conspiracy of HateThe extreme right is armed, dangerous, and coming to a town near youby Larry Keller, from Intelligence Report

The Paranoid CenterExaggerating the threat of right-wing violence stifles legitimate dissentby Jesse Walker, from Reason

Crafting a New WorldSociologist Richard Sennett explains how working with our hands enhances critical thinking, radicalizes labor, and makes us proudinterview by Suzanne Ramljak, from American Craft

The Most Trusted Name in News?Al Jazeera English comes to North America with a reputation–for excellent journalismby Deborah Campbell, from The Walrus

Emerging Ideas:

Inventing a Better WorldJosé Gómez-Márquez’s low-tech devices save lives
by Emily Singer, from Technology Review

The Latino CrescentThe changing face of Muslim America
by Lyndsey Matthews, from The Brooklyn Rail

China’s Car-Free OasisHigh-speed urban development goes green in Guangzhou
by Karl Fjellstrom, from Carbusters

The Encyclopedia of LifeOpen-source biology could save a vital sector of science
by Alan Burdick, from OnEarth


Living WatersWhat it takes to immerse yourself in faith
by Leslie What, from Calyx

A Test of PatienceThe world’s longest, most elusive science experiment
by Mats Bigert, from Cabinet

Not Having a Blast in AppalachiaHow to explore a mountaintop removal site
by Ned Ludd, from Earth First! Journal

Twittering Fools
Nobody is interested in what the public thinks
by Edward Docx, from Prospect

Mindful Living:

Why Do I Get So Lost?One man’s quest for a sense of direction
by Bruce Grierson, from Explore

When Humor HumiliatesGelotophobes dread being the butt of a joke
by Susan Gaidos, from Science News

Power to the Plumbers
Inciting a wastewater revolution
interview by Jessica Kellner, from Natural Home

Color Me NontoxicHealth problems at nail salons spur ecofriendly shops
by Momo Chang, from Hyphen

Mixed Media

The Songs We Don’t SingWhy we all need to make music, at any age
by Toner Quinn, from the Journal of Music

Famous Novels No One Has Ever ReadAt the Invisible Library, the fiction is really fictitious
by Alex Dimitrov, from Poets & Writers

Plus: Music, film, and book reviews


Editor’s NoteHate, Ink.
by David Schimke

Shelf LifeThe City That Readsby Danielle Maestretti

ForwardThink Globally, Bank Locallyby Eric Utne

Dispatches from:NACLA Report on the AmericasNew InternationalistIEEE SpectrumDevelopmentsNew MobilityThe American ProspectThe New Republic, Yes!, Peace ReviewNew HumanistTechnology ReviewEarth Island JournalMultinational MonitorScience NewsSearchWorld Literature TodayProspectFilm Comment

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