In This Issue
July-August 2009
Design Meets DisabilityHow art can help science augment the body, from hearing aids to prosthetic limbs
by Graham Pullin, from the book Design Meets Disability
Building a Better ArmAn amputee helps engineer his own future
by Jonathan Kuniholm, from IEEE Spectrum
Prosthetic PowerAimee Mullins redefines beauty and the body
by Aimee Mullins, from TED 2009
The Revolution Will Not Be PublishedWhy we must shift our attention from “save newspapers” to “save society”
by Clay Shirky
Winners of the 20th Annual Utne Independent Press Awards
Stompin ‘ at the Grand TerraceExcerpts from a jazz memoir in verse
by Philip S. Bryant, from the book Stompin’at the Grand Terrace
Satchmo!Louis Armstrong’s artful collages
from the book Satchmo: The Wonderful World and Artof Louis Armstrong
Liquid HopeWater–more than money, oil, or guns–is the one resource that could finally get bitter enemies to broker peace
by Tom Jacobs, from Miller-McCune
First, Kill All the MBAsThe role business schools played in the economic crisis
by Bradford Plumer, from the New Republic
Mug Shot NationHumiliation without due process is no laughing matter
by Greg Beato, from Reason
Shelf Life: Information OverloadIn the Google Age, media literacy is crucial–and in short supply
by Danielle Maestretti
Plus:Islands of the Damned, Raising the Roofs, Where There’s a Will, Addicted to Archaeology, The Living Library, Separation or Segregation?, Driving While Latino, The Few, the Proud, the White Supremacists, Who You Pay Is What You Get, National Pot Parks, Corporate Pirates Strike Somalia
Sex, Death, and PoetryChatting with undertaker Thomas Lynch about his writing
from Willow Springs
The Muse on Cesar Chavez AvenueAn L.A. studio where community activists enabled a Chicano art explosion
by Alissa Walker, from Creative Review
Crawling WallpaperJennifer Angus uses insects to create colorful, intricate art
from American Craft
Overdosing on RealityA child of the Internet goes feral in full view
by Rob Nelson
Polish Poster ArtPolish artists turn American films into stunning (and strange) movie posters
from the Believer
The Eco SoulThe psychotherapy community should stop treating us as if we were machines
by Larry Robinson, from the book Ecotherapy
Stretching the MindYoga beyond poses by Anna Dubrovsky,
from Yoga + Joyful Living
Baring All Expense
Our stories about money–or lack thereof
by Sandra Steingraber, from Orion
Plus:Big Ass Yoga, Hunka Hunka Burnin’ News
The Tao of War PhotographyOr: Never ride an Asian elephant while you’re wearing shorts
text and photos by Bruce Haley
How to Skin a CougarThe awesome task of dismantling a marvelous beast
by John Roscoe, from Portland
Entertaining in the RecessionWho needs to know those gougères are stuffed with Spam?
by Mark G. Hanna, from My Table
American JerkBe civil, or I’ll beat you to a pulp
by Todd Schwartz, from Oregon Humanities
Bonfire of the IvoriesVisualize your piano–burning
by Annea Lockwood, from White Fungus
Editor’s Note:Out of the Pastby David Schimke
Forward:Hadza 2.0: An Old New Wayby Eric Utne