Table of Contents: March-April 2010

By Staff
Published on September 11, 2013
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March-April 2010

A Nation DistractedWhat we risk by being so unfocused and how to start paying better attentionby Maggie Jackson, from the book Distracted

The Focused LifeIf all the world’s a stage, where should you shine your spotlight?by Winifred Gallagher, from the book Rapt

The Dark Side of DairiesEvery day, agricultural workers risk their lives to produce America’s milkby Rebecca Clarren, from High Country News

Jailing the American DreamProfits, poverty, and injustice collide in borderland prisonsby Tom Barry, from Boston Review

Getting Smart on CrimeIncarceration increases recidivism, which is why rehabilitation is becoming a bipartisan causeby Adam Serwer, from The American Prospect

Busting OutTen things citizens can do to reduce incarcerationby Paul Butler, from The Nation

Emerging Ideas 

Beyond PTSDAn innovative program treats soldiers’ head wounds
by Joan O’C. Hamilton, from Stanford

Slow ConsumptionWhy we need to start making stuff that lasts
by Sharon Bloyd-Peshkin, from In These Times

Meet the New NannyDomestic Workers United fights for a progressive bill of rights
by Premilla Nadasen, from Ms.

One Student at a TimeGiving young refugees the tools to rebuild Iraq
by Rosalie G. Riegle, from Sojourners


Boots on the GroundA day in the life of a border sheriff
by Melissa del Bosque, from The Texas Observer

Fear ItselfAIDS stigma destroys careers and friendships
by Regan Hofmann, from POZ

Seeing SkinheadA train ride turns ugly, and cooler heads prevail
by Lenelle Moïse, from make/shift

Why God Wanted to Be HumanWith the last bowl of soup comes an unexpected miracle
by Patrick Hannon, from Portland

Mindful Living

Solidarity, Not CharityVolunteers in New Orleans are hindering progress
by Sara Falconer, from Briarpatch

When the Doctor’s AwayHelping people overwhelmed by illness navigate their care
by Jenny Price, from On Wisconsin

Pants on FireCurtis White on why we’re eco-liars
interview by Cheston Knapp, from Tin House

Mixed Media

How to Watch a DocumentaryTake it from a pro: What you don’t see matters
by Andrea Palpant Dilley, from Geez

Music from Thin AirBobby Skinner is serious about the theremin
by Jason Hutter, from OffBeat

Child Soldiers, Child ActorsA director chooses his battle-tested cast
interview by Jonathan Romney, from Sight & Sound

Plus:Musicfilm, and book reviews

Editor’s NoteThe Long Haulby David Schimke

Shelf LifeBreaking Freeby Danielle Maestretti

ForwardWhen Growth Isn’t Goodby Eric Utne

Dispatches from:

In These TimesThe Nation, Global JournalistSocialist ReviewNext American CityJohns Hopkins Public Health, The ProgressiveWashington MonthlyTechnology ReviewThe American ProspectTricycleDiscoverMother JonesNew ScientistBlackFlashBitch

In-depth coverage of eye-opening issues that affect your life.