November-December 2005
Embrace Your Feminine
Embrace Your Feminine
A conversation with Nina Simons and Nina Utne
The Magdalene Mystique
The Da Vinci Code has dominated our collective imagination. Why?
by Lila Sophia Tresemer
The Gender Quotient Test
Rate your “gender genius” with this 10-question quiz
by David Deida
What the Great Thinkers Think About Women Thinking
A timeline adapted from The American Scholar
by Cynthia Russett
Women need to get over themselves
by Lisa Jervis, from LiP
Art With Heart
Rha Goddess makes the case for soul living
by Anne O’Connor
Mom Says: Clean Your Room
Jean Shinoda Bolen asserts that women are uniquely qualified to heal the world
Utne Field Guide: The WTO
Everything you need to know about the World Trade Organization
by Leif Utne
Brave New Worlds
Artist Ingo Günther’s globes turn the planet on your head
Reading Matters
Luminous books in the digital age
by Chris Dodge
As I Lay Reading
On Oprah, Faulkner, and Middle America
by J.M. Tyree, from The Nation
An Officer and a Reader
The role of literature in military education
by Elizabeth D. Samet, from The American Scholar
The Joy of Reading
Is reading for pleasure an outdated idea?
by Daniel Born, from The Common Review
Taking Back Islam
Parvez Ahmed says it’s time to declare a jihad on extremism
interview by David Schimke
Emerging Ideas
Trashing Trailers
In which the poor get poorer and lose their property rights
by Anjula Razdan
The Web Watchdog
Online shopping with a soul
by Paul Demko
Birth of a Network
A fiery Canadian wants to transform the news business
by Kevin Featherly
Big water is starting to look like big oil
by Anjula Razdan
Starved for Cash
How to stretch your charitable dollar
by Hannah Lobel
Stop the Presses
College newspapers in the crosshairs
by Kevin Featherly
The Big Hurt
Pentagon scientists push the pain threshold with nonlethal weapons
by Hannah Lobel
Flirting with Disaster
How to start preparing for the next natural catastrophe
by Laine Bergeson
Plus: Who owns what of indie labels, Hillary watch, the top 10 green power programs, dancing in the streets, and more
Mixed Media
The Fall and Rise of Farmer John
Ain’t nothing a contry boy can’t hack
by Joseph Hart
Meet the New God
There’s a new breed of evangelical Christian in town
by Josie Rawson
Six new magazines hit the shelves
by Chris Dodge
Street Librarian
In praise of newsletters
Magazines for zedophiles
by Chris Dodge
Music Reviews: The Fiddleheads, Robert Glasper, and more
Book Reviews: Unreasonable women, the placebo effect, and more
Film Reviews: Highway Courtesans, The Future of Food, and more
If Not Winter, Then Wine
Beating the winter blues with booze
by Mona Awad, from Maisonneuve
The Pleasure Principle
Eat slowly, relish your food–and lose weight
by Marc David, from The Slow Down Diet
The Hundred-Mile Diet
One couple’s quest to survive on locally grown foods
by Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon, from The Tyee
Night Train to Marrakech
Religious ideologies collide in the cramped quarters of a sleeper car
by Reza Aslan, from Killing the Buddha
From the Desk of H.W. Ross
The founding editor of The New Yorker takes on, well, everyone
from Stop Smiling
Give Me Death
A lawyer explains why his client volunteered to be executed
by John Blume, from Legal Affairs
A New View