Table of Contents: November-December 2009

By Staff
Published on September 11, 2013
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November-December 2009

50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World

Doctors Without Ethics
Why hasn’t the medical profession taken a stand on torture?by Justine Sharrock, from Mother Jones

As the Crows FlyThe urban wild’s most resilient creature shows us what’s beautiful, what’s ugly, and what’s missingby Lyanda Lynn Haupt, from the book Crow Planet

The Fight for Urban Forestsby Linda Underhill, from the book The Way of the Woods

Blue-Collar Brilliance
An educator challenges society’s assumptions about intelligence,work, and classby Mike Rose, from The American Scholar

Death Watch in the Desert
Humanitarian activists and federal agents do battle on the Mexican borderby Tim Vanderpool, from Tucson Weekly

Emerging Ideas

Baghdad ‘s Underground RailroadCovert shelters help Iraqi women escape violence and abuse
by Anna Badkhen, from Ms.

LocalwashingHow corporate America is co-opting “local”
by Stacy Mitchell, from Gambit Weekly

Uncle Sam’s True ColorsActivists thwart recruiters
by Anisha Desai and Maryam Roberts, from Dollars & Sense

Keep on Bikin’Bike manufacturing comes back to America
by Libby Tucker, from New Internationalist


Reggae’s Rude Boys Go to WarThe line between reality and performance blurs
by Ross Simonini, from The Believer

Border Crossing for a Root CanalMexico‘s dental paradise for the underinsured
by Bobby Neel Adams, from Diner Journal

When the Killers Come CallingThugs terrorize a Guatemalan journalist’s family
by José Rubén Zamora, from Pen America

Seismic SymphonyThe Alaskan landscape as orchestra
by Alex Ross, from The Place Where You Go to Listen

Mindful Living

Poolside in HellIs voluntourism doing anyone any good?
by J.B. MacKinnon, from Explore

Growing Old, Moving on UpAging women dream of a radical retirement community
by Beverly Suek, from Herizons

Shopping at the Spiritual SupermarketThis museum has a religion for everyone
by Judith Fein, from Spirituality & Health

Eating Meat for the EnvironmentOn many sustainable farms, animals are essential
by Lisa M. Hamilton, from Audubon

Mixed Media

There’s a DJ in the Concert HallMason Bates’ “symphonic electronica” is not for the easy listener
by Thomas May, from Listen

Big Screen, Little RiskMicrocinemas bring classics and cult films to a passionate audience
by Rob Nelson

Plus: Music, film, and book reviews

Shelf LifeThe Art of Digital Storytelling
by Danielle Maestretti

ForwardMen’s Night
by Eric Utne

Dispatches from:Azure, Guernica, In These Times, U.S. Catholic, Censorship News, Technology Review, Momentum, Urbanite, Landscape Architecture, On Wisconsin, Dissent, San Francisco Chronicle, Manteca Bulletin, Orion, Sierra, Verge, Governing, Mother Earth News, Stanford, Art Papers, New Statesman

In-depth coverage of eye-opening issues that affect your life.