Table of Contents: September-October 2004

By Staff
Published on September 11, 2013
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September-October 2004

Ecoporn Exposed
It’s time for the environmental movement to take it all off
by Lydia Millet, from High Country News

Twilight of the Sugar Maples
Of rising sap–and temperatures–in the Wisconsin woods
by Devin Corbin, from The American Scholar

Who’s Afriaid of Poetry?
Americans are–but help is on the way
by Jon Spayde 

20 Years of Utne
Highlights from our first two decades
by Jon Spayde 

The Next 20 Years
Headlines from the future
by Jon Spayde 

Good Intentions

The Vibe Factor
Can mere thoughts alter reality?
by Jill Neimark, from Psychology Today

The Flow of Intention
What the river taught me about influencing the future

by Nina Utne 

Chanting for Happiness
A “fortune baby” ruminates on the power of good intentions
by Eliza Thomas 

He Talks to Water
Meet Dr. Emoto and his water crystals, who are filling auditoriums across the country
by Sari Gordon, from The Rake

The European Dream
New Europe has its own cultural vision–is it better than ours?
by Jeremy Rifkin 

The Radical Middle
Meet the people who are reshaping the future of American politics
by Leif Utne 

Can We Talk?
The spiritual practice of hosting conversations
by Vicki Robin 

Creative-Class Brain Drain
Other countries are luring our best and brightest
by Richard Florida, from Washington Monthly

Outsourcing the Public Good
For-profit companies are taking over government jobs
by Jacob Wheeler 

Music Mixmasters
Mash-ups go mainstream
by Chris Dodge 

Hydrogen or Biofuels?
Two experts go head-to-head on the future of energy
by David Morris and Amory Lovins 

Where Women Rule
Percentages of female representatives in national legislatures worldwide
from Ode

An artist turns vanished buildings into–what else?–little Hawaiian guitars
by Jon Spayde 

The Brain on the Couch
Some therapists are introducing their clients to a new tool: brain science
by Craig Cox 

Wal-Mart: What a Bargain!
The real cost of shopping at the big box
by Stephanie Pool, from Terrain

Focus: Organics
Back to the Heart of Organics
“Poison free” is good, but is it good enough?
by Michael Pollan, from Orion

It’s Not Easy Buying Green
Organic labeling in a nutshell
by Andi McDaniel 

Beyond Organics–to Bliss
Want really natural eating? Try the taste of terroir
by Dara Moskowitz 

Can Organics Feed the Masses?
Yes, if we learn to view healthy food as a human right
by Leif Utne 

The Future of Farming: Outsmarting GM
Is it time to “smart-breed” our way to a juicier tomato?
by Anastasia Masurat 

Another Backyard is Possible!
How to nurture a nontoxic yard that’s safe for Fido
by Laine Bergeson 

Money and the Middle Way
A baby boomer warms up to cold hard cash
by Noelle Oxenhandler, from Tricycle

Where Have All the Candy Bars Gone?
R.I.P., Kit Kat Dark
by Steve Almond, from The Algonkian

Everything I Know I’ve Learned from My Bad Back
The transformative powers of pain
by David Shields, from Spineline

Photos Not Taken
Photographers describe the most poignant pictures they never took
by Bruno Ceschel, from Blueprint

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