On May 3rd, the book blog GalleyCat announced its “World’s Longest Literary Remix” contest. As Jason Boog explained at the time:
We are proud to launch the World’s Longest Literary Remix contest today, as nearly 150 pre-registered GalleyCat readers will rewrite a Horatio Alger novel for fun and prizes. The contest concludes on Monday, June 7th.
These GalleyCat readers signed up to rewrite one page of Joe’s Luck: Always Wide Awake. When the contest concludes, we will publish the remixed text as a free digital book–complete with illustrations.
But check this out: one contributor–a freelance game designer going by the handle Sparky–has submitted her entry as a mashup of the old Apple II game, Oregon Trail, and her one page from Alger’s novel. If I could be more delighted by this, I would ford the rapids in a tiny wagon with my over-large family and then contract typhoid fever. But I can’t, because this is awesome.
Source: GalleyCat
Image by eyllom, licensed under Creative Commons.