Every day, new books arrive in the offices of Utne Reader.
It would be impossible to review all of them, but a shame to leave many
hidden on the shelves. In “Bookmarked,” we link to excerpts from some of
our favorites, hoping they’ll inspire a trip to your local library or bookstore.Enjoy!
Do you know where your doctor, lawyer or professor earned his or her
degree? You might want to double-check the fine print because a diploma
on the wall is no guarantee. In Degree Mills,
former FBI Agent Allen Ezell (Retired) and John Bear, Ph.D., expose the
underground world of degree mills. A world where sales exceed $500
million a year and over a million fake degrees hang proudly in doctors’,
clergymen’s and other professionals’ offices. Find out what constitutes
a degree mill and how government agencies have responded to this blight
throughout history in this excerpt from the introduction, “Another Day at the Office.”