Brian Mock Makes Amazing Art from Junk

By  by Stephanie Glaros
Published on May 21, 2009
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I get lots of unsolicited visual arts submissions (keep ’em coming, links to online images are preferred), many involving the use of recycled materials, but this one really caught my eye. Brian Mock  creates amazing sculptures from 100% recycled materials (discarded Xerox machines, sewing machines, clocks, tractors, escalators, garden tools, etc.). Lots of folks use recycled materials in their artwork, which is awesome, but few do it in such a refined manner. His sculptures have tons of cool details, and are meticulously crafted. Brian has a solo show coming up at the Gallery of Functional Art  in Los Angeles, June 27th-August 10th. Check him out if you are in the area, I’m sure these pieces are incredible to see in person.

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