Brooklyn-Born Jazz

By Staff
Published on August 14, 2008

In the September-October issue of Utne Reader
Jennifer Odell examined the venues, record labels, and artists who have shifted the epicenter of jazz in New York City from Manhattan to Brooklyn. Here’s a collection of tracks from Brooklyn-based jazz musicians:

“Barnacle” by Todd Sickafoose, from his album Tiny Resistors on Cryptogramophone:

“Bright Light” by Brooklyn Jazz Underground member Alexis Cuadrado, from his album Puzzles on BJU Records:

“The Kid on the Mountain” by Brooklyn Jazz Underground member Tanya Kalmanovitch, from the album Heart Mountain by Kalmanovitch and Myra Melford on Perspicacity Records:

“Sialkot” by Brooklyn Jazz Underground member Sunny Jain, from his album Avaaz on Sinj Records:

“Gay Disco” by Andrew D’Angelo, from his album Skadra Degis on Skirl Records:

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