Classic Graphic Design

By By rachel Levitt
Published on November 21, 2008
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David Klein was an illustrator and art director best known for his Broadway window cards and TWA travel advertisements in the 1950s and ’60s. His work has been adopted into the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and a recent Klein Estate auction at <a title=”Tepper Galleries” href=”″ target=”_blank”>Tepper Galleries</a> yielded tremendous results: More than 90 percent of the 300 works brought to the block were sold.</p>
<p>His <a title=”website” href=”” target=”_blank”>website</a> allows you the opportunity to browse his collections of vibrant posters, window cards, and illustrations that fit perfectly into the current popularity of retro images. For those who <a title=”contend” href=”” target=”_blank”>contend</a> that graphic design isn’t art (a <a title=”hot debate” href=”” target=”_blank”>hot debate</a> in recent years), they need only look at his playful work to see evidence to the contrary.</p>
<i>To see more classic graphic design, check out Utne Reader’s <a title=”story” href=”” target=”_blank”>story</a> on WPA posters.</i>
<em>Image courtesy of the Estate of David Klein.</em>

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