Film Review: From Trash to Table

By Keith Goetzman
Published on October 19, 2011
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<p>To really get a sense of the volume and obscenity of America’s food waste, you need to visit the place where the excess goes: the garbage. <i>Dive! </i>follows the urban foraging adventures of a group of dumpster divers driven by practicality and conscience to retrieve and use day-old bread, about-to-expire meat, and slightly bruised fruit from the ugly end of grocery stores. Filmmaker Jeremy Seifert is a likable host, coming off not as a smug green but as a committed humanitarian, sharing his unlikely bounty with the less fortunate. </p>
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</a>. This article first appeared in the November-December 2011 issue of <a title=”Utne Reader” href=”″ target=”_blank”>
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