Film Review: Twisting and Turning

By Anthony Kaufman
Published on December 29, 2011
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<p>A legal thriller, marital drama, and class-conscious melodrama rolled into one, <i>A Separation</i> chronicles societal rifts with remarkable acuity and empathy. Initially about a conflict between a well-to-do husband and wife, the latter who wants to move abroad with their young daughter, the film turns far more complex after an accident involving a working-class pregnant woman raises the stakes for all involved. While the film takes place in Iran, and one plot twist hinges on Islamic faith, <i>A Separation</i> is not a foreign story. Rather, it explores universal questions about social status, fidelity, and truth, and the costs of concealing it.</p>
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</a>. This article first appeared in the January-February 2012 issue of <a title=”Utne Reader” href=”″ target=”_blank”>
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