In Quotes: Sins Against the Liberal Order, Public Urinals, and Pretend Vikings

By Jeff Severns Guntzel
Published on February 18, 2009

“People are literally fleeing this place, to date leaving 3000 cars stranded at the airport with keys still in the ignition.”

–David Galbraith, “Goodbye Dubai” from Smashing Telly

“The greatest liberal of our time, I mean Barack Obama, is colluding in one of the worst sins against the liberal order in America, which is the slow death of the American newspaper.”

–Leon Wieseltier, “Washington Diarist” from The New Republic

“In a new place, everything from car horns to doorknobs is fascinating. The shape of public restroom urinals is something I always notice. Every place has urinals, but no place has urinals that look alike.”

–Tom Bissell, “An Interview with Tom Bissell” from Make (not available online)

“It pisses me off when I see people from South America, Australia, Florida, or the Middle East trying to pretend they’re Vikings. I respect Norse mythology–I’m a cosmopolitan person. But you also have a rich culture. Try to celebrate that.

–Ashmedi, “Rocking the Cradle of Civilization” from Bidoun (not available online)

Sources: Smashing TellyThe New RepublicMake MagazineBidoun

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