My Obama Dream

By By katie Leo 
Published on May 4, 2009
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I had a dream that I was back in the house I used to share with 11 other college students in Washington, D.C., and apparently I was also Barack Obama’s girlfriend. He was one of my roommates and also the President of the United States. There was a huge, Dr. Seuss-like pile of dirty dishes in the sink. It was my turn to wash them, and I hadn’t done my duty. President Obama was on television in the living room, giving a speech. All my roommates were eyeing me with anger and contempt, crossing their arms and saying things like, “You think you’re so special? Just ’cause you’re the President’s girlfriend doesn’t mean you don’t have to pitch in and do your chores.” In spite of their judgment, I felt comforted and safe, like no matter what happened, Obama would be home soon and make everything okay.</p>
<p>I had this dream before I heard about Sheila Heti’s <a href=””>
<font color=”#800080″>Obama dream-collecting project</font>
</a> through <b>Utne</b>’s <a href=””>
<font color=”#800080″>Shelf Life</font>
</a> and <a href=””>
<font color=”#800080″>Great Writing blog</font>
</a>. Now I feel like I’m part of some larger collective consciousness.  </p>
<span lang=”EN”>
<span lang=”EN”>
<em>Image by</em>
<a href=””>
<font color=”#800080″>
<em>springhill 2008</em>
<em>, licensed under</em>
<a href=””>
<font color=”#800080″>
<em>Creative Commons</em>
<span lang=”EN”>
<a href=””>
<font color=”#800080″>Utne Daily</font>
</b>, <b>
<a href=””>
<font color=”#800080″>Geist</font>
</b>, <b>
<a href=””>
<font color=”#800080″>I Dream of Barack</font>

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