Film Review: Black Power Generation

By Anthony Kaufman
Published on December 15, 2010
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<p>A smart, honest snapshot of black power’s legacy, <i>Night Catches Us</i> captures a heated transitional moment in the civil rights struggle, smack dab between the empowerment of hard-won gains and the disillusionment of later mistakes. Kerry Washington and Anthony Mackie deliver intense, rounded performances as two ex-Panthers trying to move on with their lives in 1976 Philadelphia, while Amari Cheatom plays a young man obsessed with black power to combustible effect. Hamilton’s script lacks the narrative acuity of, say, <i>Do the Right Thing</i>, but the film vividly reminds us that our country’s acrimonious racial history is far from resolved.</p>
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<a title=”jan-feb-2011-cover-thumbnail” href=””>
</a>This article first appeared in the January-February 2011 issue of <a title=”Utne Reader” href=”″>Utne Reader</a>.</p>

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