Post-It Note Art Project Connects Brooklynites

By By hannah Rogal 
Published on August 3, 2009
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Frustrated that her neighborhood seemed to function as little more than a “giant hotel of passing strangers,” artist Candy Chang created a public installation meant to get residents talking.  Her goal was simple: use public space effectively and engage residents.

Chang’s New York City installation featured post-its that asked for basic information about residents’ living situations.  Passersby were quick to participate, sharing the kind of information we often keep to ourselves. One 43-year resident of a Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn studio boasted of paying just $146 a month in rent.  A resident of Brooklyn’s Cobble Hill neighborhood reported paying $3,720 for a four-bedroom apartment. For more results, check out Chang’s website

 (Thanks, Visual Culture.)

Image courtesy of Candy Chang.

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