“We all know that ‘good marriages take work.’ There it is again, work: the cornerstone of our society. Wage labour, relationship labour–are you ever not on the clock?”
–The CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective, “Adultery and Other Half Revolutions,” from Briarpatch
“[W]e all have the freedom to choose the identity that most reflects our aspirations. I’ve let go of the tropes of the moment, ways others define my identity–blackness, femaleness, bisexuality, Americanness, able-bodiedness. I work to cultivate an identity that is more nuanced, more intuitive than these blanket terms.”
–Rebecca Walker, interviewed by Joy Gugeler, from Room (not available online)
“The fat salaries paid to underperforming CEOs are an adult version of the A-.”
William Deresiewicz, “The Hypothesis,” from Lapham’s Quarterly (not available online)
“Instead of having sand made out of coral and lava rocks and other rocks and shells, now we are having beaches made out of broken-down plastics.”
—Captain Charles Moore, interviewed by Nell Greenberg, from Earth Island Journal
Sources: Briarpatch, Room, Lapham’s Quarterly, Earth Island Journal
Image by Ljubisa Bojic, licensed under Creative Commons.