Poet Todd Boss is on a roll. His debut book Yellowrocket has garnered the kind of attention most poets only dream about, including rave reviews in the Christian Science Monitor and Charleston Post Courier and praise from writers like Sherman Alexie and Pulitzer Prize-winning critic Jack Miles. Boss also recently won the Emily Clark Balch Prize in the Virginia Quarterly Review, which named Yellowrocket one of the ten best poetry books of the year. But, just as impressive is his vision for poetry, which extends beyond the printed page to include innovative collaborations with artists from a variety of mediums, including photographers, musicians, and even animators. Through this work Boss is challenging the boundaries of contemporary verse and welcoming a range of voices into his artistic dialogue. It just might be the future of poetry.
Read the Utne Reader profile of the poet: A Generous New Voice in American Poetry.
You can also listen to these sample tracks of poetry by Todd Boss:
The World Does Not Belong to You, Though You Belong to the World,