Street Artist Invader Invades New York Gallery: French artist Invader is credited with originating “Rubickubism,” an art form that uses Rubik’s Cube squares as the medium for a sort of digital pointillism.
On the Cover of Time: PANIC!: The Porno Plague. The Occult Revival! The Columbine Effect! Cyberporn! Crack Kids! Step right up and see the Top 10 most Absurd Time Covers of the Past 40 years.
Plants Send Text Messages: I could use some water, IMHO.
The Organic Farm Fantasy Meets Reality: These nitty-gritty details of organic farming might temper your modern agrarian fantasies.
Composting Your Body: The Greenest Burial: Green funerals are all the rage in environmental circles, and now eco-conscious people can add one more green technique to the list: promession.
Jewelry That Gets Its Geek On–Beautifully: Most jewelry is mass produced. Nervous System uses open-source software that allows people to design unique pieces based on gorgeous, biological patterns.
Makin’ Bacon Soap: You too can wash yourself with the grease of the gods. Just follow these steps from Make magazine.
Three Ways to Support the Pro-Democracy Protesters in Iran: Iran is blocking journalists from covering events in Tehran and still, thanks to the likes of Twitter and YouTube, the whole world is watching.
Exercise Freaks Are Soulless, Disgusting, Putrid: Not only do fitness fanatics make horrible dinner companions, they can also be soulless narcissists who should be avoided at all costs.
North Korea’s Hidden World: Tomas van Houtryve documents the people and landscapes of North Korea with his photo essay: The Land of No Smiles.
Yarn Bombing: Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You: Yarn graffiti artists leave their knitted and crocheted creations around city streets. These “yarn bombers” are part of an international guerrilla knitting movement.
Image courtesy of Invader.