UPDATE: Visit the nominees and winners of the 2009 Utne Independent Press Awards.
General Excellence
- DoubleTake
- Orion
- Oxford American
- The Sciences
- Shambhala Sun
General Excellence (Newsweeklies)
- Boston Phoenix
- L.A. Weekly
- San Francisco Bay Guardian
- SF Weekly
- Washington City Paper
General Excellence (Newsletters)
- Chicago Reporter
- Enough!
- The Green Guide
- New Rules
- Out & About
Best New Title
- el Andar
- McSweeney’s
- Natural Home
- New Village
- Passionfruit
Reporting Excellence
- American Journalism Review
- Governing
- Lingua Franca
- Mother Jones
- The New Internationalist
Writing Excellence
- The American Scholar
- DoubleTake
- Georgia Review
- North American Review
- The Oxford American
Art & Design Excellence
- Hopscotch
- Kyoto Journal
- Places
- Preservation
- Soma
Go –> 1999 winners | 1999 nominees | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 |
Cultural Coverage
- Adbusters
- Bitch
- Gadfly
- Geist
- Shift
International Coverage
- NACLA Report on the Americas
- The New Internationalist
- Prospect
- Transition
Personal Life Coverage
- Designer/Builder
- Family Therapy Networker
- Herbs for Health
- Permaculture Activist
Political and Social Issues
- American Prospect
- Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
- Ms.
- THIS Magazine
- Wilson Quarterly
Science and the Environment
- HerbalGram
- Orion
- The Sciences
- Wild Earth
- World Watch
Spiritual Coverage
- Lilith
- Noetic Sciences Review
- PanGaia
- re:regeneration quarterly
- Tricycle: The Buddhist Review