2000 Finalists: Local

By The Editors Utne Reader
Published on November 1, 2000

Go>> 2000 nominees | past APA winners

The Austin Chronicle

Weekly arts, entertainment, and political coverage from the capital city of Texas.

$60/yr. (52 issues)
The Austin Chronicle
Box 49066
Austin, TX 78765


The Chicago Reporter

Published by the nonprofit Community Renewal Society, this ‘investigative monthly … identifies, analyzes, and reports on the social, economic, and political issues of metropolitan Chicago with a focus on race and poverty.’

US $19/yr. (12 issues)
Orders to: Chicago Reporter
332 S. Michigan Av.
Chicago, IL 60604


City Limits

‘New York’s urban affairs news magazine’ focuses on neighborhood revitalization in a city where the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

US $25/yr. (10 issues)
Orders to: City Limits
Box 3000
Denville, NJ 07834-9254


Gambit Weekly

Covering the New Orleans arts and entertainment scene, with occasional forays into politics.

US $52/yr. (52 issues)
Gambit Weekly
3923 Bienville St.
New Orleans, LA 70119


High Country News

Published in Paonia, Colorado, this bi-weekly paper consistently provides balanced, in-depth reporting on environmental issues in the Western states.

US $28/yr. (24 issues)
Orders to: High Country News
Box 1090
Paonia, CO 81428
Order online
Or, by phone at 1-800-905-1155.


Kyoto Journal

This handsome and fascinating quarterly focuses on the arts and culture of Asia, with emphasis on Japan.

¥4000 or US $40 for 4 issues (3 issues per year)
Orders to: Kyoto Journal
31 Bond St.
New York, NY 10012


LA Weekly

In between the ads for laser hair removal, breast augmentation, breast reduction, and restaurants, this Los Angeles weekly occasionally provides worthwhile coverage of cultural and political issues (for example, Ralph Nader’s campaign for president).

$70/yr. (52 issues)
Orders to: LA Weekly
Box 4315
Los Angeles, CA 90078


Nashville Scene

Everything you want in a weekly paper: tough investigative work, great arts coverage, and an edgy feel.

US $39 for 51 issues
2120 8th Ave. S.
Nashville, TN 37204-2204


Seattle Weekly

Strong features, solid political coverage, and quirky cultural offerings distinguish this longtime weekly star.

US $75/yr. (52 issues)
Orders to: Seattle Weekly
1008 Western Av. Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98104


The Stranger

Published weekly in Seattle, this arts and entertainment paper features snappy writing, real political coverage (ranging from local to national), and Dan Savage’s nonpareil sexual advice column, ‘Savage Love.’

US $55/yr. (52 issues)
Orders to: The Stranger
1122 E. Pike Suite 1225
Seattle, WA 98122-3934


Street Spirit

Importantly covers homelessness and poverty issues, giving voice to people on the streets of urban California.

$30/yr. (12 issues)
Orders to: Street Spirit
c/o American Friends Service Committee
1611 Telegraph Ave, Suite 1501
Oakland CA 94612


Texas Journal

Creative, thought-provoking stories straight from the heart of the Texas Humanities Council.

US (2 issues)
Orders to: Texas Journal
Banister Place A
3809 S. 2nd St.
Austin, TX 78704


The Village Voice

Long a favorite amongst cosmopolitan editors hereabouts, the dean of American weeklies has thrived during the Rudy Giuliani era, slashing through the local political mud with the sort of panache not seen since the Reagan years.

US $79/yr. (52 issues)
Orders to: The Village Voice
Box 3000
Denville, NJ 07834

In-depth coverage of eye-opening issues that affect your life.