5 Signs of the Coming Revolution

By Utne Reader
Published on November 1, 2000

Beyond the empty campaign rhetoric that passes for public debate today lie the seeds of a dramatic cultural and political transformation. In 50 years, America will be a very different place. And surprise! It might be better than you dare imagine. Here’s why.

All essays reprinted from Imagine: What America Could Be in the 21st Century, edited by Marianne Williamson. © 2000 by the Global Renaissance Alliance, permission granted by Rodale, Emmaus, PA 18098. Available wherever books are sold or directly from the publisher by calling 800/848-4735 or visiting www.rodalestore.com.Join the revolution! Throughout November and December Cafe Utne will host discussions with several of the visionary authors who contributed essays to Imagine. For a full schedule, go to www.utne.com/salon.aspx

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