A Conversation With Wim Wenders

By Kate Garsombke
Published on October 1, 2001

A Conversation With Wim Wenders,
Michael Coles, DoubleTake
The films of auteur Wim Wenders, often described as ‘road
feature characters and settings steeped in loneliness and
desperation. But how did such stark, eerie scenes typical of the
American realist movement in art find its way into a German-born
filmmaker? Michael Coles of DoubleTake takes up the
issue in an interview with Wenders, who talks about the America he
experienced while growing up in Germany. While Wenders admits he is
strongly influenced by realist painter Edward Hopper, it is
surprising to find many of his influences came from American pop
culture. From his exposure to 1950s American comic strips to
literary classics like Huckleberry Finn to the music of Bob
Dylan, Wenders’ experience gave him the impression that the United
States ‘was not just the land of unlimited possibilities, it was
also the land of unlimited fun.’
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