Adventure Divas

By Sara V. Buckwitz
Published on June 1, 2002

Adventure Divas, Web site review by Sara
Now with their own show on PBS, Adventure Divas, a
group based in Seattle creates new media that aim to marry
adventure and modern-day heroines. The Divas have travelled to
Cuba, India, and Iran and reported on the incredible people they
met and adventures they had. Their PBS series ‘captures the humor,
debacle, and discovery inherent in low-rent travel and explores
cultures with divavision–that is, through the lens of the
independent women whose vision, individualism, and actions will
rule the future.’ In addition, on their Web site, you’ll find tools
to plan your own pilgrimage. Their ‘Your Pilgrimage’ section offers
sage packing advice and ‘Globetrotting 101’ by the author of Go
the Black Woman’s Book of Travel & Adventure.
–Sara V.
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