All the Worlds an MIT Campus

By Erica Sagrans
Published on October 1, 2002

All the World’s an MIT Campus, Kendra
Mayfield, Wired
As many colleges slowly incorporate the Internet into their courses
by way of online course registration and grades, student
newsgroups, etc., MIT has gone a step further and posted a sampling
of 32 of its classes on its OpenCourseWare Web site, where it is
available to the public. As Kendra Mayfield writes in
Wired, MIT is not claiming that online courses are
comparable to an actual MIT education, nor does the school plan to
give credit for the free classes (for that you’d need to cough up
$27,000 each year). Yet considering that MIT might have gone in the
direction of selling information online, it’s admirable that the
university opted for open knowledge instead. Paul Potts,
OpenCourseWare’s communication manager, hopes that the project will
serve as a model for disseminating information on the Internet,
giving more people access to previously guarded knowledge.
–Erica Sagrans
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