If you?re looking to expand your global knowledge of the
alternative press, INK is a great place to start. A creative
acronym for Independent News Collective, INK is the trade
association of the radical and alternative press in the UK. Its
website provides links to more than 70 INK member publications,
including such titles as Alternative Kidz, Corporate
Watch, and The Gandhi Way. Check out the News Digest
for a roundup of what?s in the current issue of many of INK?s
member titles. Visitors to the website can find out how to get
involved with and support the alternative press, and peruse INK
commentary on the current global state of affairs. The site also
includes links to other alternative websites, including
www.stopwar.org.uk, the
?latest on the campaign against Bush and Blair?s New War,? and
?news for the activist and protester from around the world.?
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