Arts for Amnesty International

By Sara V. Buckwitz
Published on November 7, 2007

Arts for Amnesty International, Web site review by Sara Buckwitz, Arts For Amnesty International
Painter Tom Block created his exhibition Prisoners and Heroes, after he studied spiritual masters who “advocate an open-minded love, deeply grounded faith, and respect for all peoples and things.” Like the spiritual masters, these people Amnesty International has highlighted (from labor organizers to political activists,) work toward a similar goal, but sometimes with dire consequences. Block’s exhibition will be unveiled at the AFL CIO’s DC headquarters on April 9, but you can see them now on Amnesty International’s Web site. The project features annotated images on the site that “ultimately … bring together man’s best and worst impulses,” Block writes. “[T]he heroes of the images are a counterpoint to the authorities that forced them to be heroes. We are left with the uncomfortable question of which group is more typical of our human race – and which the exception.”
–Sara V. Buckwitz
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