Bin Laden Family’s U.S. Exit ‘Approved’

By Erin Ferdinand Utne.Com
Published on September 1, 2003

A September 3 Edinburgh Evening News report confirmed
long-standing speculation that members of the Bin Laden family were
flown out of the United States just days after the attack on the
World Trade Center. According to reporter Bill Andrews, former
White House counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke admitted to
assisting the Bush administration in ‘the [sanctioned] repatriation
of about 140 high-ranking Saudi Arabians, including relatives of
the al-Qaida chief.’ After receiving a request for the plane’s
departure, Clarke contacted the FBI, who gave the go-ahead.

Upon special approval, the plane picked up passengers in as many
as 10 cities, including Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., Houston, and
Boston, Andrews writes. Tom Kinton, director of aviation at
Boston’s Logan Airport, observed that the flight was clearly
sanctioned by federal authorities, adding, ‘We were in the midst of
the worst terrorist act in history and here we were seeing an
evacuation of the Bin Ladens.’

Saudi ambassador to the United States Prince Bandar bin Sultan,
who met with President Bush on September 13, 2001, is said to have
coordinated the exodus. ‘The White House has declined to comment on
the claims, but sources said the Bush administration is confident
no secret flights took place,’ Andrews noted.

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Laden Family’s Us Exit ‘Approved’

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