
By Staff Utne Magazine
Published on March 1, 2003

Paul Stamets is part of a loose network of innovative
researchers, inventors, and thinkers who examine the intricate
workings of nature in search of groundbreaking and effective models
for solving environmental, social, and economic problems. Many of
these ?biological pioneers,? or Bioneers for short, gather each
year at a conference that turns a San Rafael, California,
convention center into an open-air think tank and visionary trade

Enlivened by passionate presentations and ad hoc strategy
sessions, the Bioneers address issues ranging from alternative
health care to organic farming to effective political action.
Regular participants include Paul Hawken, pioneer of sustainable
business; Anna Carter, the ?seed lady? of Watts; Fritjof Capra,
author of The Tao of Physics and founding director of
Berkeley?s Center for Ecoliteracy; Kevin Danaher, co-founder of the
fair trade organization Global Exchange; chef Deborah Madison,
author of Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone; impassioned
activist Julia Butterfly Hill; and William McDonough, the
celebrated green architect and industrial planner.

Founded in 1990 by Kenny Ausubel and Nina Simons of the Santa
Fe?based Collective Heritage Institute, the Bioneers conference is
perhaps the nation?s most innovative and collaborative gathering of
people seeking social change.

For more information on the Bioneers, write c/o the Collective
Heritage Institute, 901 West San Mateo Rd., Suite L, Santa Fe, NM
87505 or call (toll free) 877/246-6337 or visit
Their newsletter, Bioneers Letter, and radio show,
Bioneers: Revolution from the Heart of Nature, are great
sources of information on environmental innovations. Also see Kenny
Ausubel?s book Bioneers: A Declaration of Independence
(New Society Publishers).

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