George W. has a famously difficult time remembering?let alone
pronouncing?the names of foreign leaders. So the animators at Jib
Jab Media thought they?d give him a helping hand with this short
animated skit featuring Bush and his imaginary friend Rumple. In
the film, Bush?s three-inch-tall friend Rumple comes up with a
mnemonic device song to help Bush ?remember funny foreign names
like a pro.? When Dubya thinks back to his time as owner of the
Texas Rangers, player Sammy Sosa should help him remember
the former president of Brazil, Cardosa. When Bush thinks
of oil refinery, he should also be able to remember the
name Khatami of Iran. The guys at Jib Jab are renowned in
the world of Web digital animation for their well-informed and
humorous political commentary. In another skit they depict Benjamin
Franklin, George Washington, and John Adams having a rap battle.
And another skit features a rapping Hillary Clinton Godzilla
stomping through New York City.
–Nick Garafola
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Funny Names Song