But First… Are You Experienced?

By Leif Utne
Published on October 9, 2007

But First… Are You Experienced? James
Parker, Hermenaut
Inspired by the hype over Martin Amis’ recent memoir ‘Experience,’
the release of the latest album by popsters Primal Scream and his
own frustrations as a freelance writer turned baker, James Parker
takes us on a wonderful, if a bit cynical, stream-of-consciousness
romp through his own experience of growing up, letting go, and
getting scorched by ’90s pop culture. Writing on the website of
Boston-based cultural zine Hermenaut, Parker says, ‘I
like to attend readings in bookshops, because I like to see The
Author, that nosepicker and thief of light, suffer the
birth-agonies of his/her Public Self. It’s an enthralling
spectacle, horrible, a crude warping of destinies. Martin Amis, of
course, makes it look easy, which is one of the reasons he’s Martin
Amis-he makes everything look easy.’

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