Cathouse for Dogs

By Herman Thrust Herbivore
Published on March 1, 2004

Karl-Friedrich Lentze’s dream has died. Lentze is a German
artist who decided to start a business, specifically, a brothel.
Even more specifically, a brothel for dogs. This could have been
the start of a new era for animal sexual liberation, but the Berlin
city council has denied Lentze’s application for a business permit.
The council has decreed that dog sex is for the purpose of
reproduction only, and encouraging recreational sex would just make
the animals harder to manage.

Herman ‘Big Herm’ Thrust roots out the weirder and more
pressing animal-rights-related new on his Web site
Reprinted from the punk-flavored vegetarian magazine
(Fall 2003). Subscriptions: $15/yr. (4 issues) from 5254 NE 32nd
Place, Portland, OR 97211;

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