Congress to Deliver Blow to Low-Power FM Radio

By Amanda Luker
Published on November 14, 2007

Congress to Deliver Blow to Low-Power FM Radio,Amanda Luker, Utne Reader Online
Could this be the death knell for community and free radio? The Senate and House of Representatives, as part of the new federal budget, just passed a law that destroys all hopes of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) legalizing low-power FM radio licenses. Nearly two years ago, the FCC intended to begin relaxing the interference rules to allow for nearly 800 new stations across the country. But, as John Anderson reports in’s pirate/free radio site, only a few dozen stations can be licensed in America now, “less than two per state, statistically speaking.” It seems an American Goliath has once again crushed David.
–Amanda Luker
Screwed, John Anderson,
FCC Shelves Plan For Low-Power Radio Stations; Community FM would have benefited, Eric Brazil, San Francisco Chronicle
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