Corporate America’s Trojan Horse

By Julie Madsen
Published on November 13, 2007

Corporate America’s Trojan Horse, the Defenders of Wildlife and the Natural Resource Defense Council,
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) bills itself as “the nation’s largest bipartisan, individual membership association of state legislators” with a mission of working for the public good. However, this hefty report put out by the Defenders of Wildlife and the Natural Resources Defense Council finds the organization is merely a tax-exempt front for major U.S. corporations like Phillip Morris, R. J. Reynolds, National Energy Group and the infamous Enron, who use it to influence state legislative activities. “The organization’s behind-the-scenes advocacy has been surprisingly effective,” the report states, “leading, according to ALEC material, to the enactment of more than 450 state laws during the 1999 and 2000 state legislative sessions.”
–Julie Madsen
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