Declare Independence from Corporate Rule

By Al Paulson
Published on June 1, 2001

Declare Independence from Corporate Rule

What do you have planned for the coming 4th of July holiday?
Will you be like many Americans–driving your SUV to Wal-Mart for a
patriotic passel of red, white, and blue picnic supplies? And don’t
forget the cooler full of Coca-Cola and Budwieser. Or will you be
heading to Disney World for an expensive day of fun and frolic?
But, while you’re munching your Egg McMuffin for breakfast, have
you ever wondered about the handful of companies that seem to
dominate global culture–and collect all your money?

The irreverent anti-corporatists at Adbusters
magazine want you to join their growing army of aware citizens who
this July 4th will be unfurling a modified version of Old Glory to
make a statement against the corporate state. The Adbuster flag, a
‘corporate-spangled banner’ designed by Chinese artist Shi-Zhe
Yung, features corporate logos (from the CBS eye and Playboy bunny
to the Travelers umbrella and the Nike swoosh) replacing the stars
in the Stars and Stripes.

This Declaration of Independence from corporate rule is the
brainchild of Adbusters founder Kalle Lasn, author of the
insightful manifesto Culture Jam, which argues that America
has become much less a true democracy, and much more of a corporate
state. After the protests in Seattle, Prague, and other spots
around the globe where violence erupted, Lasn wanted to bring the
issue home, where it can provoke a more constructive debate.

Adbusters manufactured 500 of the flags, which quickly sold
out–the most overwhelming response to a promotion the magazine has
ever received. But don’t worry, it’s not too late to show your true
colors. You can download a Web version of the flag from the
Adbusters Web site.
–Al Paulson
Go there>>

Download the flag
(You’ll need Adobe Acrobat, downloadable for Mac or

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