Defending Your Rights

By Nina Mollett Buzzflash
Published on June 1, 2003

Last month Alaskan legislators passed House Joint Resolution 22,
a law opposing ?any portion of the USA PATRIOT Act that would
violate the rights and liberties guaranteed equally under the state
and federal constitutions.? The predominantly Republican House
overwhelmingly supported the law with a 37-1 vote, thus proving
that defending the Bill of Rights ?is really and truly a
bi-partisan issue,? writes Nina Mollett in a Buzzflash
reader commentary.

Alaska is the second state to adopt anti-PATRIOT legislation,
following Hawaii?s lead earlier this year. Additionally, 120
American cities and counties?including five in Alaska?have also
ratified Anti-PATRIOT legislation. While this is encouraging news,
our civil rights will continue to be endangered until all 50 states
refuse to honor the US PATRIOT Act. That?s where you come in.

Check out the Bill of Rights Defense Committee web site to learn
how you can get this legislation in motion in your community. With
pages devoted to the issues, local efforts, ?how to? tools and
links, this comprehensive resource has everything you need to get
the ball rolling. From writing letters to the editor to protecting
targeted populations in your community, protecting our civil
liberties begins with you. July 4th is just around the corner?now
is the perfect time to get started!
?Erin Ferdinand

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Alaska Legislature Stands Up for Civil Liberties

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