Frustrated with the tax plan approved in May? Feel that the $300
rebate is a thinly disguised bribe to accept the unfair plan?
Reject it. Donate the money to your favorite charity or a group hit
by federal budget cuts.
Only five days after the launch of, a site
hosted by the nonprofit group United for a Fair Economy, 400 people
have pledged to give away their rebates, totaling more than
$120,000, reports Alicia Rebensdorf for the alternative news
service AlterNet.
It doesn’t matter how money is given, notes Rebensdorf. What’s
important is that this movement may ‘generate a much-needed cash
influx for social justice groups’ and send a message to the Bush
administration about national priorities.
Unfortunately, not everyone who wants to will have the opportunity
to donate their rebate, writes Rebensdorf. ‘About 26 percent of the
population, mostly folks in the lowest income brackets, will
receive no rebate at all,’ she notes. ‘These also happen to be the
people most often helped by the services suffering from Republican
budgetary cuts.’
–Sara V. Buckwitz
Go there>>
Want to read about how much money Bush’s cabinet members will save
under the tax plan approved in May? Check out
The Nation’s exposé.
To learn more and do your part in rejecting the tax rebate,