Disgruntled Housewife

By Julie Madsen
Published on November 13, 2007

Disgruntled Housewife, Web site review by Julie Madsen
Billed as “Your guide to modern living and intersex relationships,” Disgruntledhousewife.com actually offers little in the way of practical advice, but definitely pours on entertaining diversions and a lot of kitsch. Among the nonessentially useful resources you’ll find a forum for trading confessions, musings on the seven deadly sins, high praise for commonplace products, the “Dick List” for comparing unfortunate experiences in love, and, to accompany the gossip and woe, a “cocktail lounge” with drink recipes for “wanton women.” It may not be the model of feminism, but after concocting a few “Merry Widow”s and trashing your ex-partner, political correctness won’t matter much.
–Julie Madsen
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